Saturday, June 1, 2019

Free Essays - Autobiography of Malcolm X :: Malcolm X Essays

Review of the Autobiography of Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told by Alex Haley is virtually a man who changed the business relationship of America.  Malcolm (Little) X preached what he believed about racism, discrimination, and segregation.  He went through many changes in his fight for equality.  The three shifts that really changed the way Malcolm thought and preached where his transformation in prison house, his transformation into the Islamic religion (following Elijah Muhammad), and the biggest transformation of all, his pilgrimage to Mecca.  In all of Malcolm actions, teachings and transformations we learn different points of view and we get a good look at different aspects of events.  The life of Malcolm (Little) X as told in his autobiography should be read by all.  Malcolm X while in prison completed his first transformation.  Like many great figures and history makers had a low point in is life.  At this time Malcolm wa s into drugs, hustling, women and money.  He became so dependant on making a lot of money he and some of his friends decided to rob the house of an old white man.  They were caught for this crime and were not only charged with this crime but were also charged with having sexual activity with white women.  Malcolm and his friend Shorty were sentenced to six years in prison.  The two white women that were Malcolm and Shortys accomplices were sentenced to a year in jail.  During the first couple days of prison Malcolm was coming off a drug high and was having withdrawals.  These withdrawals led Malcolm into solitary confinement for two months.  When he was let out of his chamber he met the man that would later be responsible for Malcolms transformation.  This man was a follower of the nation of Islam and the great Alijah Muhammad.  Malcolm learned a great deal form him.  This shows us that even in the worst of circumstances we can learn and beco me better.  This transformation was a great test for Malcolm and starts to let us see what a great influence he would end up being in the lives of many Americans.Malcolms second transformation was his immersion and dedication to the Nation of Islam.  He followed the great Alijah Muhammad and his teachings.  Malcolm started preaching to small amounts of followers.  It did not take long for the word of Malcolms preaching to get into the community.

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